Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Post #6: Research question and sources

Research question: What is the financial cost of college sports? Is the cost justifiable when compared to the benefits that college athletics provide to universities? Are athletic programs overall harmful or beneficial?

Frans, Kelly Ashley. "Ways in which Intercollegiate Athletics Contribute to University Success." NCSU Digital Repository (2002)Print.

Weaver, Karen. "A Game Change: Paying For Big-Time College Sports."Change 43.1 (2011): 14-21. Academic Search Premier. Web. 28 Feb. 2012.

Suggs, Welch. "Making Money—Or Not—On College Sports." New Directions For Institutional Research 2009.144 (2009): 19-31.Academic Search Premier. Web. 28 Feb. 2012.

Dowling, William C. Confessions of a Spoilsport: My Life and Hard Times Fighting Sports Corruption at an Old Eastern University. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2007. Print.

Sander, Libby. "Athletes' Graduation Rates Hit Another High, NCAA Says." Chronicle Of Higher Education 56.14 (2009): A20. Academic Search Premier. Web. 28 Feb. 2012.

Goff, Brian. "Effects Of University Athletics On The University: A Review And Extension Of Empirical Assessment." Journal Of Sport Management 14.2 (2000): 85. Academic Search Premier. Web. 28 Feb. 2012.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very timely and interesting topic. It might prove a challenge, but I'd like to see you locate anyone who makes a rational argument for the return on investment of college sports -- in terms of alumni engagement, donor money, etc. It might be that there is no good source out that that argues that point. But someone must have a reason why sports might be worth $27M per year at Rutgers.
