Saturday, January 21, 2012

Topics I am Considering for My Class Project, and Why

For the topic of my final project, I am very interested in researching college sports as a revenue stream. Being an avid sports fan, I assumed the large schools with big time sports programs made millions of dollars off of their teams, because it certainly appears that way from the outside.  Having never looked into the subject, I was unaware that most schools lose money on their sports programs, until it was mentioned in class. I am very interested in finding out more about the financial aspect of college sports.  It would also be interesting to research the sponsorship of college sports teams by private corporations such as Nike, Under Armour, and Easton. I hope to select one of the two topics, or something similar.

1 comment:

  1. This is a fully viable topic. There was a recent disclosure of how much the Rutgers athletics program -- especially football -- costs ($27M/yr counting stadium payments) that led to some conversations. That would be one place to start. Then look at the money more broadly. I had not thought about sponsorship, but that is an interesting angle. Someone wrote on this topic and you might gain a lot from looking at his blog:
    The Truth about College Sports
